Lifeline Emotions

Lifeline Emotions

" Lifeline Emotions " was released in 2017 by Heaven Music. The cd includes 10 new tracks, 6 of which are orchestral, music by G. P. Lemos, orchestration of Leonidas Tzitzos and lyrics by Katerina Bozoni, Stavros Stavrou and G.P.Lemos, performed by Konstantina Poutkari, and George Romosios. The cd will be available in online stores and streaming platforms, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and Napster and central record and department stores.

  • Release:

    Heaven Music
  • Tracks:

    10 (6 instrumental)
  • Music:

    G. P. Lemos
  • Lyrics:

    Katerina Bozoni, Stavros Stavrou, G.P.Lemos
  • Arrangement:

    Leonidas Tzitzos
  • Performed by:

    Konstantina Poutkari, George Romosios